Thursday, March 6, 2014

Diet Question

Dear Lord a diet question!!

I'm not going to copy and paste the email because it was very long and detailed and my response is small...kinda.


 Listen to me. some may think that your frame of 5 foot 9 and 182 pounds is obese but technically you are just a bit overweight I presume.

First, stop stressing over it. Believe in who you are and start from there. You said that you were 48. Well babe, that is the age when most woman are hitting pre-menopause and the weight is just harder to take off. But YOU can do it in a a few simple steps. I will even bet you on it.

Everyone wants a quick fix for weight loss. There is none. I'm sorry to burst you bubble. But if you follow the below info I am sure you will start to see the weight come off in the first 2 weeks.

First, The old adage holds true. EAT LIKE ROYALTY!

A King in the morning
A Queen in the afternoon
A Prince in the evening

Breakfast should consist of eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, avacado and a teaspoon of an oil and vinegar based dressing.

Next, snack every 2 hours!! Yes, I said snack.

Celery.. 2 pieces with cream cheese or peanut butter
Swiss cheese and ham rolls 2. You can use any meat or cheese. Want more? Add a baby dill or sweet pickle to your roll ups.

Lunch is Tuna and white beans with a bit of red onion. 
Tomatoes with the oil and vinegar dressing of your choice, add cukes or celery

Keep snacking 2 hours after lunch!

Carrots and a tablespoon of hummus.
Crispy iceberg lettuce pieces

Keep snacking till dinner!

Then enjoy a meat or fish. You CAN eat beef and or pork. After awhile chicken becomes yuck. Fish is awesome of any style.

OK, so Im not capable of drawing out a whole menu plan but I hope you are getting the idea.

Stop eating at 7 PM!

Lets put it in simple terms..

NO Potatoes
No corn
No rice
No bread

Eat it only if it  NOT from a bag or box.

If you need to snack more then do so. Add a handful of almonds or walnuts
scramble a egg with some spinach and cheese
Stuff a large tomato with tuna or salmon.

It isn't hard really. It will take a week for you to get used to it. You WILL be full.

I know that this was basic info and please if you want more elaborate info just let me know. 

This is just a sample. Add some exercise every day. If you do not have time or are not ready to exercise that is OK. While watching TV, run in place every commercial, do a few sit ups, stretch and bend, do arm circles back and forth. DON"T let anyone fool you. Starting small counts!! Add more exercise moments every 3 days.

Write me and let me know how it goes... you lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks and I will send you a goodie in the mail!

Much success,


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